Do You Have What it Takes?
If you can't sit still for 10 minutes and read through all of this, you probably don't have what it takes. If any part of this hurts your feelings and doesn't make you want to be better, you probably don't have what it takes. If you are looking for easy, want to be coddled, and told how amazing you are, this is not the place for you. ETHOS is designed to bring together the best of the best, the 5%. The ones who love to win and hate to lose. The ones looking to level up by being around others looking to do the same. The ones who are pushed by seeing others doing grow and do epic shit. Find somewhere else to hang if you need someone to hold your hand and blow smoke up your ass because you will probably hate it here. If you're ready to step up and get into the actual game, this is the place for you.
War on Weakness
It's undeniable that most people today are pussies. They have become slaves to money, comfort, vanity, and, worst of all, their feelings. For the vast majority of 300,000 years of human existence, people, men especially, have not had the luxury of being "in touch with their feelings." They had the responsibility to provide for and protect those they cared about, their families, and the other members of the tribe. They had a duty to put their feelings aside and do what was necessary to survive. Hunt, fight, conquer, kill, whatever they had to do to preserve life. Whether you believe in creation or evolution, this is how men and women are built, and we are foolish to think that we have evolved beyond this. Being stuck in their feelings makes men weak, and weak men are destroying our country today.
People have lost their sense of self and have become aimless, drifting through life searching for meaning. They sedate, try and make more money, buy more things, worry about getting laid, and argue over meaningless shit, all to distract from that void inside of themselves when what they want more than anything is to be respected. No amount of money, no house, no car, no partner, or possession will get you respect. Respect is earned, and to gain that respect, a man needs to develop wisdom, strength, honor, fortitude, and nobility.
If you strip everything away, your job, your titles, money, and things, what kind of person are you? Are you a person that can set your feelings aside and be a person people can depend on? Will people look to you when times get tough? Will you stop talking and take action? This is the kind of person that will be remembered long after they are gone. These are the kind of people our country needs to make it great and respected again. Otherwise, we will continue to be the joke that every other country thinks we are. It's time to declare war on weakness.
The ETHOS Core Values
The members of the tribe of ETHOS value Wisdom, Strength, Honor, Fortitude, and Nobility above all. We know that adhering to these values is extremely difficult and is a never-ending journey with an impossible destination. When we walk on this path toward this impossible destination, it fills us with a sense of pride. We are choosing to be strong instead of weak. We are striving to be better, not equal. We are the wolves, not the sheep.
We study and contemplate becoming wiser. We seek out tests to make us stronger. We pursue danger to build fortitude. We sacrifice for the other members of our tribe to gain honor. We hold ourselves to a higher standard to gain nobility. We are choosing the more difficult path. We do it because we know that "easy and comfortable" is a road to mediocrity and nowhere. We do it because we know that there is no peace, that the only peace is death. We do it for the love of ourselves and those that depend on us. We do it for us, not them. "Us" being those who love and respect us, and "Them" being anyone who doesn't. It is Us versus Them. They don't care about us, so we don't care about them. We save our focus, energy, and love for those who care about us. We don't waste it on them.
We accept that those outside of the tribe will hate us. They will be jealous of us and resent us for making them feel weak and inadequate. They will say we are toxic and dangerous and that we should love and treat everyone as equals. We know that we are animals, and as in all animal kingdoms, there is a hierarchy, that life is not fair, and that we are not all created equal. We persist in climbing the hierarchy by pursuing the values of the tribe of ETHOS, that the more respect we gain, the higher we will ascend. We strive to be the best possible versions of ourselves and die knowing that we actually lived.
The ETHOS Code
1. We accept Natural Law before Man's Law: We are animals with animal instincts, and no matter what cage society tries to put around us, we will always be those animals.
2. Our purpose, our most vital role, is to provide and to protect
3. Our job is our hunt: it is not our passion or calling. It is a means to provide. That's all it is. Don't expect it to be fun, easy, or fulfilling.
4. It is our duty to be as fit as possible, both physically and mentally.
5. We are prepared for anything: Life never goes the way we expect.
6. Life is not fair, nor should it be. Life is what we make it. Fair is an opportunity, not an outcome.
7. There will always be a hierarchy: Our place on the hierarchy is determined by what value we bring. Not the color of our skin, not our sex, not our sexual preference, not our religion, not how much money we make, or how much shit we own. It's placed solely on the value we bring to the tribe. It's about respect.
8. We are to be an asset. Not a liability.
9. We are not all created equal: If we want to move higher in the hierarchy, work for it.
10. We get what you earn
11. Everything has a price: We don't seek freebies or handouts. Nothing is free—especially respect.
12. We are not owed anything
13. Being in touch with your feelings does not mean feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling sorry for ourselves will get us and the people we care about killed. Our feelings are not for us. They are for the people we care for.
14. We accept what is and what isn't and move on.
Becoming an Altered Beast
What would you give for the ability to rest easy every night, knowing that even if you woke up to the world on fire, you'd be able to handle it like a badass motherfucker, and actually be excited about the prospect that you can build an fucking empire out of the ashes? That is true freedom. That is ETHOS.
It's easy to make excuses and blame. It's easy to bitch and complain. It's easy to be comfortable. It's easy to be a sheep. What's hard is to wake up every day and work your ass off to become the best possible version of yourself, to take responsibility for your life, own your mistakes and grow from them. It's hard to get knocked to the ground and get back up. It's really fucking hard to be a wolf. But remember this, even the least alpha of the wolves can kill all sheep. There is a lot of sheep. Better to be a wolf.
If this hurts your feelings or sounds mean, too fucking bad, the truth hurts.
There are two types of people in the world:
The Sheep: The 95% of people who would read that say they don't care, which is bullshit. They care. The 95% who likely feel sorry for themselves and make excuses. The 95% who are content being a sheep.
The wolves: The 5% who will say fuck excuses, fuck comfortable, fuck easy, fuck being a sheep, I'll put in the work be a wolf.
Which one are you? Probably not the sheep. They would have quit reading and never made it this far because it hurt their feelings or sounded toxic. If you made it this far, I'd assume you were a wolf or want to become one. If this is the case, ETHOS may be the place for you. If you think it is, hit the button, fill out the form, and let's have a conversation to see if it's a fit.